Vol 6 No 2 Apr-Jun 98
Short-nosed Fruit Bats
sheltering under a palm leaf
Photo by Phang Tuck Phew

full-colour quarterly magazine featuring articles of interest to
nature lovers everywhere.
This page is a sampler of the
photos and articles in this issue

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Official Magazine of the Nature Society (Singapore)
Ripe Durian fruitsNo Bats, No Durians The Dawn bat pollinates durian flowers which is why famers say "No Bats, No Durian". Yet this useful creature has been hunted down. Lim Gaik Kee awakens us to the very real harm we are doing by killing off fruit bats.

caterpillar of Monarch butterflyMarvels of the Migratory Monarch Did you know that fragile butterflies—the Monarch is one—undertakes migratory flights across continents? Alan Ernst and Steven Neo hit the Monarch trail and report.

female cones of belinjauThe Keropok Tree in our Backyard Most of you have savoured a slightly bitter keropok that garnishes 'gado gado'. Did you know that this keropok comes from the starchy seed of the belinjau tree and it is growing in Singapore? A H B Loo and Hugh T W Tan report.

Forest GardenWhy the Forest Garden? The only real answer to the colossal harm that our present industrial society is causing to the global environment is to replace it with a sustainable system. Enter—The Forest Garden.

My Food Forest
Betty L Khoo walks us through the herbs and vegetables she has planted in and among the native eucalyptus trees growing in a forest strip behind her homestead in rural Darwin.
mass of overwintering Monarch butterfliesDurian flowersripe belinjau seeds for saleadult Monarch butterflymale cones of belinjauDusky Fruit Batroosting Flying Foxes (Fruit Bats)
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