spiders build what appears to be a three-dimensional irregular web.
At the bottom of the irregular structure is a dome-shaped platform
that is actually a non-adhesive orb-web with an exceptionally fine
Unlike the webs of other Crytophora spiders, the web of this
spider is free of debris.
The spider hides in a silken tube in the centre of the web. Egg-sacs
are lodged inside this tube.
For more about tiny spiders that live in their webs:
Spit-Faced Silver Spider
(Argyrodes fissifrons) |
Family Araneidae, Orb-Web Spiders.
Habitat: Vegetation in mangrove
swamps; along tracks in rural settlements.
Female: 8-9 mm.
Distribution: Singapore, Malaysia,
Indonesia, India, Papua New Guinea. |